I am here just thinking about all the things that have happened lately. Yes my blog has been quiet for quite some time but LIFE definitely has NOT. It's been full of downs and more downs... If that's even possible. It's like we were stuck.
One thing after another and it got bad. I seriously didn't know how to cope with all of it but I believe I am strong. I had to be strong, especially for my littles. Unexpectedly I did need some time off - to heal. It takes a while but with family and support it seems to get better.
I'm glad to say things are looking better.
I will keep the ball rolling where it has left off... So don't worry you will still get to see reviews and giveaways on the blog! What would you all like to see? Let me know in the comments below.
First things first I have several winners to announce from couple of giveaways that have ended. So if you entered keep your eye out for the winning email from me! :)

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